Stone Age
Sharp Stone Blade
Sharp Stone Blade
(c. 30,000 B.C.E.,)
Stone Age humans progress to sharpening their tools and weapons
The use of stone instruments more than two million years ago heralded what we call the stone age and the very origins of humankind. While it is impossible to date when distinctly worked(rather than simply found) stone blades first appeared in the world, it seems to have occurred circa 30,000 B.C.E,.
Various kinds of stone were used to make blades, although one of the most popular was flint--leading to the term "flintknapper" to describe anyone making stone blades by lithic reduction. As the techniques of flintknapping developed, particularly the use of repetitive blows at particular angles, the craftsmen were able to gain much greater control over the size sharpness, and type of blade.
The period after the end of the last Ice Age, 10,000 years ago, was characterized by increasingly sophisticated stone tools with multiple uses. Other tools were produced using blades made by knpped flint or obsidian. a type of naturally occurring flass. small, sharp blades, known aa microliths, became part of wooden cutting implements for use in farming as well as barbs on arrows and spears, making them particularly effective as hunting weapons.
The period after the end of the last Ice Age, 10,000 years ago, was characterized by increasingly sophisticated stone tools with multiple uses. Other tools were produced using blades made by knpped flint or obsidian. a type of naturally occurring flass. small, sharp blades, known aa microliths, became part of wooden cutting implements for use in farming as well as barbs on arrows and spears, making them particularly effective as hunting weapons.
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