Tally stick

Tally Stick

(c, 35,000 B.C.E.,)

Counting makes its debut in Swaziland

       Tally sticks or tallies, are batons of bone, ivory, wood, or stone into which notches are made as a means of recording numbers or even messages. The archeological and historical records are rich in tallies, with the lebomda bone as the earliest example. Found in a cave in the lebombo Mountains in Swaziland and made from a baboon's fibula, it dares back to 35,000 B.C.E. Its markings suggest that it is a lunar phase counter, indicating an appreciation of math far beyond simple counting

       Tally sticks became the primary accounting tool of medieval Europe, which was largely illiterate. During the 1100s King Henry I of England established the Exchequer to be responsible for the collection and management of revenues.To keep track of taxes owed and paid, split tally sticks were employed Usually made of squared hazel wood, notches were made the thickness of the palm of the hand to represent € 1000, the thickness of a thumb for 100 , a litter finger for  10, a swollen barley grain for 1, and a thin score mark for a shilling. The notches would span the stick's width, which subsequently would be split so that both  halves differed in length;the longerhalf, or stock, was for the person making the payment, hence "stockholder" and the shorter half, or foil, for the recipient of the money or goods
"With worn-out, worn-eaten rotten bits of wood.. a savage mode of keeping accounts.... "
                                                       -Charles Dickens

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